From the conception of Apple Blossoms Floral Designs here in Tampa we wanted to find a signature for all our arrangements. One day I stumbled across these lovely Lady Bugs. I wasn't sure if anyone would notice, but they have. Here is a note we received this week from one of our recipients of our flowers.
Hi Scott!
We spoke once a few months ago when I ordered flowers for a local friend.
I received my third maybe fourth floral arrangement from Apple Blossoms last week... It is over the always! However I have to tell you... I was so disappointed because there was no ladybug...anywhere.
A few days after I received the flowers my little granddaughter, Madison came over and asked... “Mimi are these ladybug flowers?” I had to say “No sweetie...this one doesn’t have a lady bug” only to hear her disappointed “ahhh”. An hour or so later I heard a cry of glee from my front room...I ran in to see what was going on...
you can never tell with a 4 year old ... and she excitedly exclaimed... “I found her! I found her”. I am thinking ...what in the world? as she shouts... “THE LADYBUG THE LADYBUG! SHE IS RIGHT THERE!”
Needless to say it was a moment in time... Thank you for not only creating amazing floral designs but for
also creating a magical moment for a beautiful 4 year old and her Mimi. :)
I don’t have any idea how I missed it but I am glad I did.
Blessings to you and your team!
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