No I don't mean a day at work. I spent a day at the Lowery Park Zoo with my Mom, Dad, and Partner Rahn about a week ago. What a wonderful place. I was a bit optimistic about going in the back of my mind, but was more than pleasantly surprised. I found the Lowery Park Zoo to be not only full of some of the most unique creatures I have ever seen, but some of the most well behaved children I have seen in a long time. We ended up spending over four hours viewing magnificent creatures who in my opinion seem to be observing us as much as we did them. I not only enjoyed the Zoo, but more importantly enjoyed a day with the family. That doesn't happen too often these days, and when I do get a chance I cherish every moment. If you are ever visiting the Tampa Bay area take a day to enjoy the Lowery Park Zoo. I highly recomend it.